Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Laser Mount for Telescope

A few years ago while walking around Good Will I found a cheap telescope . It wasn't anything fancy just a 15-20 year old refracter,  they only wanted $5 for it so I picked it up.

It sat in the closet for a while,  it needed alot of TLC. All the bolts needed to be replaced and everything was simply to loose. There was to much play to make it a useful scope. Luckily all the new bolts and washers removed all this slack.
Unfortunately someone probably years ago removed the "finder scope". Which make it easier to align up to the object you want to examine. To solve this issue I decided to mount a semi high powered laser I had laying around.

Originally I decided I was going to attach it using velcro straps but I eventually mounted it using adhesive.
I didnt expect it to be perfectly aligned, it was pretty obvious even a small angle difference would effect the alignment of the scope and the laser.

If it got me close to the location of the object I was trying to view , I would consider the project a success.

Overall I consider the project a success.

Adding a data port to a Spectrophotometer 721

So as you all know I have recently purchased a cheap spectrophotometer , I thought it could be useful in the lab for some biology projects I...